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Born in Maracaibo, Venezuela, Ernesto Montiel is a visual artist and improviser. He has been djing since his teens. Ernesto moved to Dallas in 2015.


He took the Mutarrancho name for dj gigs since the beginning of 2016 and soon after began playing with Miguel Espinel in the electroacoustic free improvisation duo Monte Espina. Ernesto performs in numerous improvisation ensembles in the DDFW area along with Sarah Ruth Alexander, Lily Taylor, Gregg Prickett, Karl Roehling, Andrew Jordan Miller and Rick Eye. First active in Venezuela, Ernesto’s initial improvisation project was an open collective called El Jaibo (1995) which spawned several other projects, including: Los Jardineros del Chance, Metra, C del Mar: Chimichi Broders, Gabinete Sonoro Goma Espuma, Oso/Malderabia.


As a visual artist Montiel has been developing for some years a chance driven body of work, Stochastic Ethics.




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