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Alle Grøfters Mor

Captura de Pantalla 2021-09-30 a la(s) 23.22.18.png

Hans Hulbækmo – drums 
Oscar Grönberg – piano/keyboard
Bjørn Marius Hegge – bass

Film and cut: Juliane Schütz
Assistent: Sigrid Erdal
Photo: Juliane Schütz
Audio: Kyrre Laastad

Alle Grøfters Mor (translates into something like “Mother of all ditches”) rose from the ashes of Eat the Rich in 2017. Since then, they have explored the mysteries of synth, disco’s repetitiveness, hardcore sting, prog stupidity and the warmth of Christmas music. Emil and Einar have extensive experience from the world of punk and new wave. In Alle Grøfters Mor, they explore the extremes of communication.

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